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Showing posts from July, 2017
It has been running but its not circulating water. Discovered I got two hoses on wrong pump connections. Going to re do the cooling system as I got rid of the thermostat I can now ditch one of the smaller pipes. That one circulates the water through engine before stat opens. Ideally i'll turn the outlet housing 180 deg to get a better hose run and make it easier to get air out. Bigger disaster was while running it the starter kicked in, hit the kill switch which stopped it firing but it was still cranking, turned ign off but still cranking. Cranked itself flat before I could get to a battery lead. Starter solenoid must have welded itself on. Suspect cheap aftermarket solenoid, may be under specified. Ordered KTM replacement. Fortunately new Li Ion battery recovered with a charge.
Made some good progress during last week. I couldn't get the back brake to bleed. A master cylinder kit was £30+, so i bought an after market cylinder for £36. Finally got it bled. Chain arrived and thats on now, so i took it to a garden away from home to give it a bit of a run round, just on grass. It went ok, but was leaking oil like a fountain. Mostly from the breather pipe on the front rocker cover. i had about 6 inch of pipe on it but it was spraying out the top of that. There was another leak from the cover gasket and one bolt that was missing its copper washer. Another oil union was weeping too, so a bit more fettling needed. I also decided to remove the thermostat to get a better idea of the running temp as i don't want to have a fan. Gave the scabby matt black bodywork a quick tidy up. Proper bodywork is coming once i have got it all running and properly tested. Got some new grips and a used screen in the post today. I ordered the correct mesh screen that go...
Had a week off but got back to it at the weekend. New Lithium battery now fitted, saving 3kg over standard and much smaller. Tidied up the wiring. Took the heat gun to the base of the tanhk and pushed in the bits that were fouling the head and carb, so that fits now. Put some fuel in and that is ok now. Gear lever linkage back on. Started fitting rear brake but couldn't get it to bleed through. Fluid leaking past master cylinder seal so thought I would get a seal kit, but for around the same price you can get a complete after market unit, so that's on order.