Well, I took it to Mallory on Friday having spent most of Thursday fettling. I made up a booster battery pack and fitted a new spark plug. I discovered that the ferrule on top of the spark plug was missing so it wasn't making good contact with the cap. that explained a few issues with starting and running. It now starts much easier. At Mallory all was good. It started well and ran well. Got through noise test at 92db with a baffle. Did the first session and it went really well, it stopped well handled ok and pulled well. However when I pulled in, a puddle of oil formed underneath which was from the rear shock. I pumped the rest out and tied some cloth round it to soak any up. I then decided to to add some fuel to the tank. I think the inside of the upper portion of the tank was coated in Dust/mould / crap I don't know what, but adding fuel loosened it all up and turned it into pond water. Since then it wouldn't run for more than half a lap before stopping. 30 seconds later it would go again and get me back to the pits. Tried flushing out with fuel but I could never get it clean, had to give up at lunch and went home.
It sounds like a disaster, but I felt like it was a success because the failure were not really anything to do with the build. The cooling system worked, The starter issues seem to be history, it went well and stopped well, and I enjoyed riding it, so it looks like it will be good in the future.
Borrowed the thumbnail below, hope I don't get into trouble.
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